wHen tO IMM alOne after wOrk as hUbbi wAs bUsi w his stUff.
bOught a ''nU bRa'' tO wEar w My r.O.m dRess ( as Amber tOld tO )
*kind Of UncOmfOrtabLe* sO stIcki
aNd alSo bOught two pAirs Of shOee (chOice) Flats Or lIttle hIgh hEElz tO wEar On e dAy. =)
Nu Bra frOm tRiuMph $49.90
Little High hEElz =)Flats frOm prEttifIt
hUbbi cAme arOund 8.30p.m tO pIck mi uPx.
dEn hEad tO gEylang bUy flOwer tO pRay fOur fAce bUddha @ Paya lebAr
mEEt up w Jes & Mr mOnki (hUsbAnd) thEre.
sOOn after prAy, hEad tOwArds balestier tO have oUr dInner *bAh kU tEh*
~hOme swEEt hOmiee~
bOught a ''nU bRa'' tO wEar w My r.O.m dRess ( as Amber tOld tO )
*kind Of UncOmfOrtabLe* sO stIcki
aNd alSo bOught two pAirs Of shOee (chOice) Flats Or lIttle hIgh hEElz tO wEar On e dAy. =)
Nu Bra frOm tRiuMph $49.90
Little High hEElz =)Flats frOm prEttifIt
hUbbi cAme arOund 8.30p.m tO pIck mi uPx.
dEn hEad tO gEylang bUy flOwer tO pRay fOur fAce bUddha @ Paya lebAr
mEEt up w Jes & Mr mOnki (hUsbAnd) thEre.
sOOn after prAy, hEad tOwArds balestier tO have oUr dInner *bAh kU tEh*
~hOme swEEt hOmiee~